We as employees of uni-assist e.V. provide an important service for German universities and students with foreign certificates who apply at one of the 180 member universities of uni-assist e.V.
Since autumn 2018 we – over 90 workers of uni-assist e.V. – joined the union ver.di, the German united service union, in order to reach a collective agreement for the workforce.
Since last March we have had several bargaining talks with our employer.
After years of no collective agreement at all, we demand a collective agreement on the basis of the German Collective Labour Agreement for the Civil Service at the federal level (TVo D Bund) as a relevant number of employees is already paid according to its pay scale. The employer side wants the German Collective Labour Agreement for the Civil Service at the regional level (TV-L), which would incorporate a worse wage development for those paid according to the TVo D Bund pay scale so far. Further demands are the reduction of weekly working hours, clear and reliable agreements on temporary employment and an advantage arrangement for ver.di members.
Strikes ahead
After 10 month of bargaining talks, the negotiations stagnated. In November 2019, a petition of 80% of the current workforce for our demands went unheard. Therefore we now called for a three days strike at uni-assist e.V. beginning on Tuesday, January 28th 2020.
We know that longer strikes may also have some impact on you as international applicants. We tried to avoid strikes by making major concessions during the last negotiations on January 7th which were refused. Now, we see no no other possibility – the uni-assist management has to start to take us seriously!
You have questions? Write us:
For further information: https://verdi-uni-assist.de/info-fuer-studieninteressierte-english/
2020_1_27_Information applicants strike
2020_1_27_Informationen Bewerber Streikmaßnahmen
Information for uni-assist e.V. applicants